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Pilates Instructor Insurance

A Pilates instructor that performs mat and reformer pilates needs insurance coverage, like any other type of professional. Too often, independent contractors think they don't need liability insurance or settle for subpar coverage due to the nature of their work, but this is a costly mistake. Whether you're teaching pilates at a brick-and-mortar facility or traveling, you need quality general liability insurance to protect yourself, and your business.

Being an instructor is no different than any other profession, you need quality insurance to protect yourself, as well as your livelihood. We at Hands-On-Trade provide pilates instructor liability insurance for an array of Pilates types, with no limits in class size, and all kinds of independent business professionals.

Read below and learn how our liability insurance coverage can better protect both you and your business so that you continue to provide your fitness services to your community.

Why Do Pilates Instructors Need General Liability Insurance?

Holding pilates classes and sessions means clients have the possibility to become injured on your property or the space you're taking responsibility for.  If a client becomes injured it can be disastrous for your business if you don't have liability insurance as you would have to foot the bill for any medical or legal fees.

No matter the cause or the accident that occurs, you need solid pilates instructors insurance to safeguard your business and finances.

Pilates Instructor Insurance

We provide professional general liability insurance (malpractice) and general liability insurance (slip-and-fall) coverage for pilates instructors for $175 annually. Our coverage even travels with you so it does not matter if you're teaching in your own space, in multiple locations, or at a client's house.

Types of pilates we cover include:

  • Mat Pilates
  • Reformer Pilates
  • Equipment-based Pilates
  • Aerial Pilates

Every professional and business type requires good insurance protection. We at Hands-on-Trade are proud to offer pilates instructors the kind of insurance they need to continue their services without concern.

Pilates Instructor Liability Insurance Exclusions

We do our best to make sure our clients are covered, but it's important to note what isn't covered by the liability insurance policy.

For the full policy exclusion details, we encourage you to visit the Insurance Coverage Page

Get the Best Insurance for Your Pilates Business

If you're interested in learning about the other types of business we provide coverage for, explore the links below.

Additional Info:

  • We cover multiple other professions with this one policy.
  • Student Coverage is available for $75 per year.

For more details:

Sign up here and receive an Email
Confirmation with an insurance
document that you can print and present.

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